AMBROSE AKINMUSIRE, an aged 28 years on jazz stardom trumpeter, a penetrating gaze, compact chassis and the coolness are suspicious of someone at home with his own thoughts. It was bundled one recent afternoon, its location preferred practice to survey: a park on a promontory bench advance of Spuyten Duyvil Creek, at the northern tip of Manhattan. The bench is facing the bridge of Henry Hudson and the River beyond. "I like the way it sounds here", he said. When it is convenient, people usually him let alone.

There is a place both touted in post-bop for the Virtuosi of the trumpet embarrassed: your Clifford Browns and Lee Morgan, your Freddie Hubbards and Wynton Marsalises. And by a certain Mr. Akinmusire light (pronounced ah-kin-MOO-sir-ee) fits the Bill. His game is demanding, with offset by an attack of cutting your smoky. As an improviser, he strives for the unexpected, rue interval precarious. Impressive debut for Blue Note new-"when the heart emerges shiny," produced by Mr. Akinmusire and pianist Jason Moran and due out - Tuesday is chock full of heroic the trumpet, and radically jabs of "far but little between" to melancholic susurrations of "Regret (not more).".
But Mr. Akinmusire, which tends to reject the concept of heroic trumpet, would prefer that you get to know him for the collective achievement of his band. And the pulse reflects a cardinal conviction among his peer group, one ostensibly in contradiction with the aspects more mercenaries and lourdaud of jazz. Call it a postmillennial doctrine, or perhaps did it nothing yet. Regardless of the term for this ideal band-first informed by sources outside of jazz, Mr. Akinmusire myriad is one of the most fascinating new artists now release mainstream.
"I could do an album where I am the one who takes all the solos of murder," he said during lunch at the Indian Road Cafe, a short walk from her bench to practice and not too far from his apartment Inwood. "But I think simply that if everyone feels responsible for the music, and then the music will sound better." At the suggestion of his album demonstrates strong leadership in any event, he winced slightly. "Really?" he asked, sounding sinistree. "I knew it sounded like my record." I thought it was the beauty of this. ?
Band Mr. ace Akinmusire presents saxophonist Walter Smith III, Harish Raghavan bassist and drummer Justin Brown - all about the same age, with duplication of history. (Pianist on the album is Gerald Clayton, for the first tour of the group, which begins next week at the Jazz standard, it will be Sam Harris).
An article of faith for these musicians is the idea that jazz is permeable outside influence, and therefore constantly in flux.
"I think that the music of today is a hybrid between a bunch of things," said Mr. Akinmusire. "And when it is not that it seems strange to me." It is not honest. How could be my generation and not be influenced by pop, or hip-hop? It's all you hear. "Like many musicians of his age, it is to write makers Beats (J Dilla, Flying Lotus), noble art rockers (dirty projectors, Radiohead) and a range of classical music ("some Chopin, Satie, Schubert"). Also, it is obsessed by hyper articulate it harpist-singer Joanna Newsom; He said that he hoped to get him as a guest on his album. (It has panoramic step).
Then there is the extra-musical influences, which seemed to Mr. Akinmusire invest less without enthusiasm: writers such as James Baldwin, Maya Angelou and Anton Chekhov. "" He said he had just finished reading of "mastery: The Keys to the success and long-term Fulfillment," by the New Age guru and aikido master George Leonard. ""She speaks to love development plateau, Mr. Akinmusire said, with a reflection of the recognition.
Raised by his mother in the difficult area of North Oakland, California, he has known jazz in a community. "Many of the old school of local musicians was still alive", he said, recalling the figures such as Robert Porter trumpeter and pianist Ed Kelly. "Therefore they raised so me and one of my best friends"-Jonathan Finlayson, an another trumpeter accomplished-"and we as musicians of jazz." "They we seek in our homes and around to the jam sessions, put us on their concerts to sit on."
Berkeley High School Mr. Akinmusire met other musicians sharp, including Justin Brown, who said that they shared a level of intensity even then. (Mr. Akinmusire also met with his girlfriend, the poet Iranian origin Shabnam Piryaei, y.) A semester of his junior year was spent practicing, as an independent study. "Only at Berkeley could do you something like that," said. "If you were a good musician, you were just as popular as a star quarterback.
As a star quarterback he is heavily recruited, commissioning of competitive bids from several major jazz collegiate programs, although he had intended studying mathematics at Stanford. He ends up accepting a scholarship to the Manhattan School of Music, where he sensilla against some of the orthodoxy in the program. But he landed in the same drop-down list box: Mr. Smith, find a quick report. "He and Walter are a great pair,", said Mr. Moran, who has worked both in a master class. "They egg each other in a formidable manner.".
Mr. Akinmusire also fell in with alto saxophonist formidable Steve Coleman, a mentor to many young players free-thinking. (His fellow countryman Mr. Finlayson is now member of the Group of Mr. Coleman). And then came his ticket or for the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz Performance, a two-year graduate program then based at the University of Southern California.
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