This live gathering unexpectedly quirky by the Marsalis with Harry Connick Jr family among the guests, was captured at the Kennedy Center to commemorate the Patriarch, pianist and receipt of educator Ellis Marsalis of a lifetime achievement award. It is also a fundraiser for the new Centre for music with his name in New Orleans and was made to coincide with the fifth anniversary of the assault of Hurricane Katrina on the hometown of the family. All these honourable motives could have transformed the gig in one case humble restrainedly, but in fact it is a hoot - in one case quite literally, as drummer and vibraphonist Jason Marsalis offers probably the only version squeal of Charlie Parker Donna Leeet impromptu gatherings swaps bop sprint fairly Agile with brother Wynton on trumpet. Ellis, bogged now 76, honourably preserved with the tempo down quickly but sounds in his element chords elides for treble slowly the conduct of the ballad lines after; It also complements boogie-power Connick Jr with a feeling of more smooth-swinging jazz Duo on Sweet Brown of Georgia. Wynton and saxophonist Branford (which contributes a few breaks generally spicy tenor) also share a conversation witty, affectionate but unschmaltzy on children of New Orleans.
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