Julia Dollison sings a song in High School North Platte Tuesday theatre during the Nebraska Choral Director of the Festival of Jazz Vocal Association. The Telegraph North Platte the unique art form jazz American made a visit to North Platte Tuesday high school. Groups of the University of Nebraska-Omaha and Chadron State; three groups of North Platte High School. and Columbus Middle School and high school, took the stage. It is the second day of a two day festival. First day was in high school in Columbus. It is the eighth year of the festival sponsored by Nebraska Choral Directors Association. Fred Ritter began teaching music at North Platte in 1978, but is now Professor of music at Columbus high school. He obtained his master's degree in music education from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He said that vocal jazz makes it unique is the space for spontaneous music. Ritter called music on the fly. It is also marked by scat, a process of using neutral sounds and syllables to imitate the instruments with human voice sounds. Unlike other groups of the choir vocal jazz groups are smaller, and each person has a microphone. This means singers do not have to put as much into their songs, but individual votes are not supported as in a large choir. Small groups can also be easier for small schools. "He made everyone is responsible for their part, you can not hide your voice," Ritter said. Music is something that Ritter think is an important part of the education of students. "I like to say that music is math," said Ritter. It is because of the notes and student scales were know to be able to perform. He added that there were lots of music and reading. "Math and beautiful reading is music", said Ritter. Music also powers a soul of added students, he said that it is difficult to put a finger because she was so individual. True American art form Joel Schrueder, Director of vocal jazz Chadron State, called jazz a true form of American art. He said that it was important for students to know the musical roots of the country. He has taught music since the last 20 years and has a Masters degree in music education. Schrueder said the experience of working with high school students is good for college students, that he had brought with him. Most of them he explained are the majors of the teaching of music. "Some of them don't know if this is what they want to do or not," Schueder told the subject being a music education major. Jon Marquez, senior college, is one of his students. Mark wants to be a band director or high school choir. For music mark is emotional. "I feel like music is a vessel for emotions", said Marquez. "Use music as a crutch to get my rear soul." Marquez said students who participated in music have been more fortunate in his opinion. He added more fortunate students are more likely to succeed. While he loves music, his mother had his own concerns when he shared an interest in the trumpet as a fifth grader. "Don't kids who plays the trumpet caught in traps." Mark related to his mother asking. She has been a significant support for him over the years. In addition, mark reports never be stuck in a locker. Marquez said he fears cut backs in schools will mean students won't have access to music. "We would have Bob Dylan music if we had not departments of music," said Marquez. Some of these tips to Kerry Marsh and Julia Dollison students was to keep an open mind to different types of music and listening to music closely. Marsh said impressed by the groups, he saw play in North Platte. "It was wonderful to see what kind of vocal jazz happens in Nebraska," said Marsh. The music was a part of his life, since he began playing the piano, while he was six years old. He obtained a master's degree in jazz studies at the University of North Texas. Now, he travels around with his wife (Dollison) help the musicians to achieve better results. Marsh said jazz is not always easy for the listener to start to appreciate because of its complex variety of tones, notes, and agreements. However, it is rewarding when you understand, and a rich connection to the history of America. Click on this story at nptelegraph.com for your comments, or email chris.hoff@nptelegraph.com
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